Thursday, December 10

if you give a mouse a cookie

last night, i brush my teeth, turn off the light, hop in bed.
that's when i realize, i haven't taken my malaria pill for the week.  (this would be the med that helps me not get malaria, as i recently vacationed in a third world country.)
and since i don't want to get malaria, i get out of bed, take the pill with some water from the bathroom sink, get back in bed.
and then i start worrying about taking the pill on an empty stomach (mom); plus, it feels like it's sticking in my throat.
so, i get back out of bed, head for the kitchen, get a glass of water.
and i see my blueberries, sitting in the colander by the sink.
so i put them in the refrigerator.
and THAT's when i find my roommate's leftover-from-dinner pan of delicious brownies.
total. life. score.
i even brushed my teeth a second time before heading back to bed. 

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