Saturday, October 24

crazy street

our next door neighbor does not want people parking in front of her house.  she emphasized her point by edging her front yard with cinder blocks.  they actually come in handy when giving directions- it's hard to miss "the yard with the cinder blocks".

yesterday, however, she upped her game:

that's right, from now on, directions to my house will feature the phrase, "the yard with the NO PARKING sign."

geaux tigers

Wednesday, October 21

salem lake

i have recently "discovered" salem lake.  i had heard about it before but had never been.  now, i love it.  past downtown and across business 40, it lies off the beaten path for most, yet it is a mecca for hikers, bikers, rowers, and ducks alike.  it is particularly beautiful now, as the vibrant fall foliage is in full flame.
these heavens truly declare the glory of God.

psalm 19:1

Thursday, October 15

for wiley

hi from bear, mickey, and tiger - we miss you across the pond!

Wednesday, October 14


[driving in the car with my twelve-year-old.]

her: you see that man running in the rain? 
me: yes, i did see that man running in the rain.
her: ugh.

flower power

i am very excited about these blooming at the edge of our carport.
plus, their appearance had nothing to do with us, so it made for a sweet surprise.

the day may be gray and dreary outside, but look what's blooming inside!

Tuesday, October 13

what we did

highlights from the weekend include

dressing up

finding friends

cheering for arnold palmer as he opens the gate

taking lots and LOTS of pictures

Monday, October 12

36 hours in winston salem

a few years ago, the new york times featured winston salem in their travel section.   the article highlighted places to go and sights to see during a 36-hour escape to the city.  this weekend, as friends gathered back in winston salem for homecoming, we rocked our own version of "36 Hours in Winston Salem."

1:30 pm lunch at rose's deli (we all enjoyed cris' special)
7:00 pm dinner at la carreta (margaritas, of course)
10:30 pm president's ball (the bi-annual wake forest bash)
11:00 am brunch at crepe myrtle (thanks for the beignets, becca!)
2:30 pm burgers at minorcas (delicious cookout, with bush as grill master)
5:00 pm homecoming tailgate (so many more friends)
6:30 pm wake beats maryland (go deacs!)
10:00 am breakfast at bruegger's (maybe not midtown, but bagels and coffee? yum)

Thursday, October 8

"Flu Season began on October 4th, 2009 ...

and will last until February 2010."
-Opening sentence in an email from my company on Flu Prevention.  I had no idea the dates were so exact.  If only the Swine played by the rules.  I'm pretty sure he came a little early this year.  

Monday, October 5

meet me at the fair

giant pumpkin? check. heart-stopping treats? check.
flying-rides and a ferris wheet? check.
classic night at the dixie classic?  check.check.check.

Sunday, October 4

happy birthday, paige!

go deacs

the great win, as referenced by my previous post

(in)auspicious beginnings

after contemplating this for over a year, i've decided to bite the bullet and start a blog. i figure, with family and friends in louisiana, mississippi, tennessee, virginia, and london, to name a few, now is as good a time as any. it's hard to say where this is going, how it will turn out, or who will end up reading this, but i hope that someone will enjoy it. maybe, like the exciting game for the deacons yesterday, it will turn out to be a resounding success.