Monday, October 12

36 hours in winston salem

a few years ago, the new york times featured winston salem in their travel section.   the article highlighted places to go and sights to see during a 36-hour escape to the city.  this weekend, as friends gathered back in winston salem for homecoming, we rocked our own version of "36 Hours in Winston Salem."

1:30 pm lunch at rose's deli (we all enjoyed cris' special)
7:00 pm dinner at la carreta (margaritas, of course)
10:30 pm president's ball (the bi-annual wake forest bash)
11:00 am brunch at crepe myrtle (thanks for the beignets, becca!)
2:30 pm burgers at minorcas (delicious cookout, with bush as grill master)
5:00 pm homecoming tailgate (so many more friends)
6:30 pm wake beats maryland (go deacs!)
10:00 am breakfast at bruegger's (maybe not midtown, but bagels and coffee? yum)

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